Exploring Berkeley IGS Poll Data in Python

Between April 16 and 20, 2020 the Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS), in conjunction with the California Institute of Health Equity and Action(Cal-IHEA), polled 8,800 registered voters about a variety of issues concerning the current state of politics and COVID-19. This was an unprecendented and urgently needed pulse-taking of the California populace during the pandemic. A more recent Berkeley IGS Poll from July 2020 that follows up on these and other issues of importance to Californians was just completed.

Below we provide an overview of the Berkeley IGS Poll and describe how key findings from this survey are reported in the Berkeley IGS Poll Reports while the data itself is made available by the D-Lab.

We then provide a detailed tutorial on how to access and explore the Berkeley IGS Poll data in Python.


About The Berkeley IGS Poll

The Berkeley IGS Poll is a periodic survey of California public opinion on important matters of politics, public policy, and public issues. The poll, which is disseminated widely to California registered voters, seeks to provide a broad measure of contemporary public opinion, and to generate data for subsequent scholarly analysis. Berkeley IGS Polls have been distributed 2-4 times per year since 2015.

The Berkeley IGS Polls continue the tradition of the California Field Polls. The Field Poll, or the California Poll, was established in 1947 by Mervin Field and operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service from 1946 - 2014. Prior to their discontinuation, IGS collaborated with the Field Poll on a number of polls in 2011 and 2012.

Berkeley IGS Poll Reports

IGS staff and affiliates, as well as other UC Berkeley researchers, analyze the reponses from each survey and publish summary reports of key findings as part of the Berkeley IGS Poll report series. Typically many reports are produced per survey. Recent IGS Poll reports can be downloaded from eScholarship. You can stay abreast of new IGS Polls and reports by using the form on the IGS website to join the IGS mailing list.

Accessing the Berkeley IGS and California Field Poll Data

The D-Lab makes the IGS and Field Poll data available via SDA. SDA, or Survey Documentation and Analysis is an online tool for survey data analysis that also provides a platform for managing the survey data files and related documentation and facilitating their download. SDA was developed at UC, Berkeley but since 2015 it has been managed and supported by the Institute for Scientific Analysis (ISA), a private, non-profit organization, under agreement with the University of California.

A complete list of the IGS and Field polls that are accessible via SDA can be found on the D-Lab Data California Polls webpage.


In this section, we will show you how to download data from SDA and then import into Python for a little exploratory data analysis and map making!

Import python libraries

Before we get into the weeds, let's import the libraries we will use.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib # primary python plotting library
%matplotlib inline  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # more plotting stuff

import requests 
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request

import json # for working with JSON data
import geojson # ditto for GeoJSON data - an extension of JSON with support for geographic data
import geopandas as gpd # THE python package for working with vector geospatial data

import pyreadstat # for working with proprietary statistical software data formats

Accessing a Survey in SDA

The SDA tool can be used to access the IGS COVID-19 Poll data from April 2020 as well as any other IGS Poll data. If we check the D-Lab California Poll page, we see that the SDA URL for this poll is https://sda.berkeley.edu/sdaweb/analysis/?dataset=IGS_2020_03

Clicking that link opens the SDA landing page for the survey which contains a number of tools for online analysis as well as a left-side panel describing the available variables. The SDA Help link provides documentation for doing online analysis.

Take a minute to notice the buttons for downloading the data or a custom subset and for accessing the codebook (metadata) both of which are highlighted in the screenshot below.

Downloading Data from SDA

If you click on the Download Static Files link you will be able to download the IGS Poll data as a fixed-width text file by clicking on the Data file button. To make sense of that file you need to download a data definition file as well.

The DDI data definitions file is a XML file that uses the open-source Data Documentation Initiative specification for survey metadata. You can use the DDI file with the data file to read the data directly into Python. However, this method requires knowledge of reading in fixed width files and extracting structured data from an XML file.

Alternatively, you can download a software specific data definition file that allows you to import the data into statistical software like SPSS or Stata.

Download SDA File for SPSS

For this tutorial go ahead and download the IGS Poll data in SDA so that you can import it in SPSS and then save it as a *.SAV file.

  1. Download the Data File
  2. Download the SPSS data definition file
  3. Download the codebook

Follow the instructions in this online PDF to import into the data and ddl file into SPSS and save as an SPSS sav file. You can search online for other documentation on process.

Working with the IGS Poll Data in Python

If you want to read in a proprietary statistical data file (SPSS or SAS etc) into Python you can use the pyreadstat package or similar. This process is detailed in the excellent blogpost How To Analyze Survey Data With Python, by Benedikt Droste (7/21/2019).

We will draw from and expand the work in that blog post below.

Read in SPSS file

Use pyreadstat.read_sav to read in the SPSS file created from the SDA output. As you recall SDA produced a data file and a data definition file (DDL). The contents of both of these are in the SPSS sav file igs-covid-poll-april2020_withlabels.sav. When we read this file in the function returns both a pandas dataframe (df) from the data file and a metadata object from the DDL file.

Follow along: The notebook and data for this tutorial can be found here.

In [2]:
# Read in the data into df and the detailed column metadata into meta
df, meta = pyreadstat.read_sav('data/igs-covid-poll-april2020_withlabels.sav')

First, take a look at the dataframe

In [3]:
CASEID lang consent q1 q2 q3 q4_1 q4_1_20_text q4_2 q4_2_20_text ... q65 q66 q67 party f20 rzip age_group county region w1
0 1.0 1.0 1.0 42.0 1.0 4 NA NA ... 2 9 2 D A 94706.0 x36_45 alameda bay area 0.571025
1 2.0 1.0 1.0 30.0 1.0 1 13 NA ... 2 5 9 D P 94610.0 x26_35 alameda bay area 0.395032
2 3.0 1.0 1.0 31.0 1.0 1 1 NA ... 2 9 9 D N 94609.0 x26_35 alameda bay area 0.475997
3 4.0 1.0 1.0 33.0 1.0 1 20 tech ops NA ... 2 5 10 D A 94608.0 x26_35 alameda bay area 0.565656
4 5.0 1.0 1.0 37.0 1.0 1 14 NA ... 1 9 9 D A 94605.0 x36_45 alameda bay area 0.398781

5 rows × 145 columns

The meta object is a pyreadstat object that contains, among other things:

  • meta.column_names - A list of the column names
  • meta.column_labels - A list of the descriptive column labels
  • meta.variable_value_labels - a dict of dicts - column name keys and a mapping of response codes and values.
In [4]:
# Take a look at the first ten values of
# meta.column_names - A list of the column names
In [5]:
# Take a look at the first ten values of
# meta.column_labels - A list of the descriptive column labels
 'Language of survey',
 'Q1 What is your age?',
 'Q2 What county do you reside in?',
 'Q3 Are you currently working?',
 'Q4_1 In what industry do you work?',
 'Q4_1 In what industry do you work - other text input',
 'Q4_2 In what industry were you most recently employed?',
 'Q4_2 In what industry were you most recently employed - other text input']
In [6]:
# Take a look at an example dict from
# meta.variable_value_labels
{'1': 'Yes', '2': 'No, Unemployed', '3': 'No, Retired', '4': 'No, Student'}

For convenience, let's read the two column lists into one meta_dict so that we can easily retrieve the column label from the column name.

Let's also create a shorter alias response_dict for the variable value labels dict of dicts.

In [7]:
# convert metato a dictionary of column name and label pairs
meta_dict =     dict(zip(meta.column_names, meta.column_labels))
response_dict =  meta.variable_value_labels

As an example of how we would use this, let's get the full text label for the column named Q23.

In [8]:
'Q23 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A single-payer health care system, such as... would improve the nation’s ability to respond to disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19.'

Wow, that's a long column label! Given this we won't replace the column names with the descriptive column labels. Instead we will just fetch them from the meta_dict when we need them.

Now let's look at the range of responses for this question.

  • This will display the code and the label for the response.
In [9]:
{'1': 'Strongly Agree',
 '2': 'Somewhat Agree',
 '3': 'Neither agree nor disagree',
 '4': 'Somewhat Disagree',
 '5': 'Strongly Disagree'}

You can use a list comprehension to quickly search the meta_dict for columns (key) whose descriptive labels (val) have a specific string.

For example, let's identify columns that might relate to health care.

In [10]:
#Search for questions that mention masks
[(key, val) for key, val in meta_dict.items() if 'health' in val.lower()]
  'Q10_5 To what extent is COVID-19 a threat to your personal / family health?'),
  'Q19_6 In your opinion, how effective are the following for preventing a person from getting COVID-19: Eating a healthy diet'),
  'Q23 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A single-payer health care system, such as... would improve the nation’s ability to respond to disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19.'),
  'Q25_4 To what extent do you trust the following entities to provide accurate information about COVID-19: State and local public health agencies (state and/or local health department)'),
  'Q25_5 To what extent do you trust the following entities to provide accurate information about COVID-19: World Health Organization (WHO)'),
  'Q25_7 To what extent do you trust the following entities to provide accurate information about COVID-19: My personal physician/health care provider'),
  'Q31_8 To what extent do you think each of the following is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and shortage of tests and medical supplies: World Health Organization / Other international agencies'),
  'Q31_9 To what extent do you think each of the following is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and shortage of tests and medical supplies: Healthcare providers and systems'),
  'Q33 Over the past 12 months, how many months did you have health insurance coverage?')]

That's pretty handy! But you should always refer back to the codebook you downloaded from SDA if one was available.

Let's take a deep dive into Q23 since the results for this question were summarized in the IGS Poll Report:

Mora, G., Schickler, E., Haro, A., & Rodriguez, H. (2020). Release #2020-10: Support for a Single-Payer Health Care System to Address Disasters & Pandemics. UC Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1n25x39s

In [11]:
'Q23 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A single-payer health care system, such as... would improve the nation’s ability to respond to disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19.'

If we look at the value_counts for this column we get the distribution of counts across the response options.

In [12]:
1     3533
2     1776
5     1600
3     1321
4      551
NA       4
Name: q23, dtype: int64

We can normalize the output of value_counts to get the proportion of responses for each value.

In [13]:
1     0.402163
2     0.202163
5     0.182129
3     0.150370
4     0.062721
NA    0.000455
Name: q23, dtype: float64

Now let's use the response_dict to display human readable response values.

In [14]:
Strongly Agree                0.402346
Somewhat Agree                0.202255
Strongly Disagree             0.182212
Neither agree nor disagree    0.150438
Somewhat Disagree             0.062749
Name: q23, dtype: float64

Creating Tables from IGS Poll Data

We can up our game by creating a pandas crosstab to see how the responses vary by another variable. Here let's consider the political party of the survey respondent, which is in q9.

In [15]:
'Q9 Generally speaking in politics do you think of yourself as a Democrat, Republican, Independent or something else?'
In [16]:
pd.crosstab(df['q23'], df['q9'], dropna=True, normalize='columns')
q9 1 2 3 4 NA
1 0.540479 0.070073 0.323103 0.453471 0.285714
2 0.257013 0.078102 0.188406 0.147710 0.000000
3 0.142759 0.138686 0.171355 0.147710 0.428571
4 0.039225 0.105109 0.086104 0.048744 0.000000
5 0.020296 0.608029 0.230179 0.202363 0.142857
NA 0.000228 0.000000 0.000853 0.000000 0.142857

Add we can pretty up the formatting of the output..

In [17]:
pd.crosstab(df['q23'], df['q9'], dropna=True, normalize='columns').style.format("{:0.2f}")
q9 1 2 3 4 NA
1 0.54 0.07 0.32 0.45 0.29
2 0.26 0.08 0.19 0.15 0.00
3 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.15 0.43
4 0.04 0.11 0.09 0.05 0.00
5 0.02 0.61 0.23 0.20 0.14
NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14

Above, we normalized by column so that the column values would add up to 1 (or 100% if converted to percents).

Let's bring it home by adding pretty column labels and response labels.

In [18]:
        df['q23'].map(response_dict['q23']), # The response values for q23 
        df['q9'].map(response_dict['q9']),   # The response values for q9  
        dropna=True, normalize='columns'). \
        style.format("{:0.2f}")              # and format the output
q9 Democrat Independent Republican Something else
Neither agree nor disagree 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.15
Somewhat Agree 0.26 0.19 0.08 0.15
Somewhat Disagree 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.05
Strongly Agree 0.54 0.32 0.07 0.45
Strongly Disagree 0.02 0.23 0.61 0.20

We can also reorder the rows so that they align with the original order of the responses.

Let's do that and save the output to a dataframe named q23_table.

In [19]:
q23_table = pd.crosstab(
        df['q23'].map(response_dict['q23']), # The response values for q23 
        df['q9'].map(response_dict['q9']),   # The response values for q9  
        dropna=True, normalize='columns').  \
        loc[response_dict['q23'].values()]. \
In [20]:
q9 Democrat Republican Independent Something else
Strongly Agree 0.540602 0.070073 0.323379 0.453471
Somewhat Agree 0.257071 0.078102 0.188567 0.147710
Neither agree nor disagree 0.142792 0.138686 0.171502 0.147710
Somewhat Disagree 0.039234 0.105109 0.086177 0.048744
Strongly Disagree 0.020301 0.608029 0.230375 0.202363

Now that we have saved the table as a dataframe let's do a bit more reformatting.

In [21]:
# Since all the row values are numeric let's convert to percents and round
q23_table = round(q23_table*100, 2)

# Move the responses to a column instead of an index

# Remove the name of the column - set to empty string

# Rename the axis to default value of none
q23_table.rename_axis(None, inplace=True, axis=1)

# Take a look
Democrat Republican Independent Something else
0 Strongly Agree 54.06 7.01 32.34 45.35
1 Somewhat Agree 25.71 7.81 18.86 14.77
2 Neither agree nor disagree 14.28 13.87 17.15 14.77
3 Somewhat Disagree 3.92 10.51 8.62 4.87
4 Strongly Disagree 2.03 60.80 23.04 20.24

Let's see how that output compares to Table 1 of the IGS Report:

Mora, G., Schickler, E., Haro, A., & Rodriguez, H. (2020). Release #2020-10: Support for a Single-Payer Health Care System to Address Disasters & Pandemics. UC Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1n25x39s

You can see that our values do not match. This is because we are not including the survey weights.

Let's weight the values, which are in the column w1, and then compare the tables again.

In [22]:
q23_table_weighted = pd.crosstab(
        df['q23'].map(response_dict['q23']), # The response values for q23 
        df['q9'].map(response_dict['q9']),   # The response values for q9  
        df['w1'], aggfunc = sum,
        dropna=True, normalize='columns').  \
        loc[response_dict['q23'].values()]. \

# Since all the row values are numeric let's convert to percents and round
q23_table_weighted = round(q23_table_weighted*100, 2)

# Move the responses to a column instead of an index

# Remove the name of the column - set to empty string

# Rename the axis to default value of none
q23_table_weighted.rename_axis(None, inplace=True, axis=1)

# Take a look
Democrat Republican Independent Something else
0 Strongly Agree 51.60 7.73 29.82 38.64
1 Somewhat Agree 24.82 8.40 19.98 17.15
2 Neither agree nor disagree 17.07 14.47 18.21 17.85
3 Somewhat Disagree 3.97 10.10 8.93 3.78
4 Strongly Disagree 2.54 59.30 23.07 22.58

Now we have matching output!

Mapping IGS Poll Data

In the next section of our tutorial we will show you how to map the survey response data.

For this, we will:

  • Read in the USA County cartography boundary file from the Census website.
  • Subset it to include only California Counties
  • Subset the survey data to keep only q23 responses by q2 - which is the respondent's county.
  • Join the survey subset to the county data
  • Map it.

We will use the Geopandas library to work with and map the geographic data.

Fetch the county boundary data and take a look.

In [23]:
counties = "https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2019/shp/cb_2019_us_county_500k.zip"
counties = gpd.read_file(counties)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x122421750>

Take a look at the county data so we can find a column on which to subset by state.

In [24]:
0 48 081 01383826 0500000US48081 48081 Coke 06 2361153195 42331832 POLYGON ((-100.82497 31.74941, -100.82415 31.8...
1 48 273 01383922 0500000US48273 48273 Kleberg 06 2282572445 541041659 MULTIPOLYGON (((-97.31780 27.49456, -97.31590 ...
2 48 203 01383887 0500000US48203 48203 Harrison 06 2331138836 40651525 POLYGON ((-94.70215 32.45618, -94.70197 32.467...
3 48 223 01383897 0500000US48223 48223 Hopkins 06 1987629163 65639829 POLYGON ((-95.86333 33.04989, -95.86302 33.065...
4 48 033 01383802 0500000US48033 48033 Borden 06 2324366073 22297606 POLYGON ((-101.69128 32.96184, -101.55743 32.9...

Use the California state fips code *068 to subset the county data.

In [25]:
counties = counties[counties['STATEFP']=='06'].reset_index(drop=True)
In [26]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1239df3d0>
In [27]:
0 06 001 01675839 0500000US06001 06001 Alameda 06 1909614756 216907015 POLYGON ((-122.34225 37.80556, -122.33412 37.8...
1 06 061 00277295 0500000US06061 06061 Placer 06 3644306246 246466620 POLYGON ((-121.48444 38.75135, -121.46980 38.7...
2 06 037 00277283 0500000US06037 06037 Los Angeles 06 10511861492 1793485467 MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.60442 33.47855, -118.5987...
3 06 095 00277312 0500000US06095 06095 Solano 06 2128488719 218671901 POLYGON ((-122.40348 38.15546, -122.38027 38.1...
4 06 093 00277311 0500000US06093 06093 Siskiyou 06 16261933244 179149815 POLYGON ((-123.71845 41.59796, -123.71880 41.5...

Take a look at the q2 descriptive label.

In [28]:
'Q2 What county do you reside in?'

Take a look at the set of responses for this question.

In [29]:
{1.0: 'Alameda',
 2.0: 'Alpine',
 3.0: 'Amador',
 4.0: 'Butte',
 5.0: 'Calaveras',
 6.0: 'Colusa',
 7.0: 'Contra Costa',
 8.0: 'Del Norte',
 9.0: 'El Dorado',
 10.0: 'Fresno',
 11.0: 'Glenn',
 12.0: 'Humboldt',
 13.0: 'Imperial',
 14.0: 'Inyo',
 15.0: 'Kern',
 16.0: 'Kings',
 17.0: 'Lake',
 18.0: 'Lassen',
 19.0: 'Los Angeles',
 20.0: 'Madera',
 21.0: 'Marin',
 22.0: 'Mariposa',
 23.0: 'Mendocino',
 24.0: 'Merced',
 25.0: 'Modoc',
 26.0: 'Mono',
 27.0: 'Monterey',
 28.0: 'Napa',
 29.0: 'Nevada',
 30.0: 'Orange',
 31.0: 'Placer',
 32.0: 'Plumas',
 33.0: 'Riverside',
 34.0: 'Sacramento',
 35.0: 'San Benito',
 36.0: 'San Bernardino',
 37.0: 'San Diego',
 38.0: 'San Francisco',
 39.0: 'San Joaquin',
 40.0: 'San Luis Obispo',
 41.0: 'San Mateo',
 42.0: 'Santa Barbara',
 43.0: 'Santa Clara',
 44.0: 'Santa Cruz',
 45.0: 'Shasta',
 46.0: 'Sierra',
 47.0: 'Siskiyou',
 48.0: 'Solano',
 49.0: 'Sonoma',
 50.0: 'Stanislaus',
 51.0: 'Sutter',
 52.0: 'Tehama',
 53.0: 'Trinity',
 54.0: 'Tulare',
 55.0: 'Tuolomne',
 56.0: 'Ventura',
 57.0: 'Yolo',
 58.0: 'Yuba'}

Now we want to create the data that we wish to map using pd.crosstab.

We want the responses to Question 23 (q23) as the columns and those for Q2-county (q21) as our rows. Thus the ouput will look a little different.

IMPORTANT: Because we want the values for q23 to sum to 1 (or 100 for percentages) for each county, we now want to normalize by rows (or index) not by column as we did previously.

In [30]:
# Need to set normalize to 'index' to get correct values by county
q23_by_county = pd.crosstab(
                    df.w1, aggfunc = sum, dropna=True,  

q23_by_county =  round(q23_by_county * 100, 2) # convert to percents and round

q23 q2 Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
0 Alameda 16.36 22.20 4.34 42.71 14.38
1 Amador 10.20 34.42 0.00 37.01 18.37
2 Butte 9.67 12.82 3.29 23.04 51.18
3 Calaveras 33.49 0.00 0.00 37.17 29.34
4 Colusa 0.00 0.00 13.86 86.14 0.00

Next, we use the Geopandas geodataframe merge method to join the survey data to the county boundaries.

  • Our join values will be the county names which are in the q2 column of the q23_by_county dataframe and in the NAME column of the counties geodataframe.
  • We do a "left" join to keep all the rows in the left table - here the counties geodataframe.
In [31]:
counties_q23 = counties.merge(q23_by_county, left_on="NAME", right_on="q2", how="left")

If you take a look at the output geodataframe you can see the responses to q23 have been appended to the rows for each county.

In [32]:
STATEFP COUNTYFP COUNTYNS AFFGEOID GEOID NAME LSAD ALAND AWATER geometry q2 Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
0 06 001 01675839 0500000US06001 06001 Alameda 06 1909614756 216907015 POLYGON ((-122.34225 37.80556, -122.33412 37.8... Alameda 16.36 22.20 4.34 42.71 14.38
1 06 061 00277295 0500000US06061 06061 Placer 06 3644306246 246466620 POLYGON ((-121.48444 38.75135, -121.46980 38.7... Placer 18.59 21.25 7.60 22.62 29.94
2 06 037 00277283 0500000US06037 06037 Los Angeles 06 10511861492 1793485467 MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.60442 33.47855, -118.5987... Los Angeles 16.91 19.85 6.15 42.28 14.81
3 06 095 00277312 0500000US06095 06095 Solano 06 2128488719 218671901 POLYGON ((-122.40348 38.15546, -122.38027 38.1... Solano 21.35 21.92 7.46 26.82 22.46
4 06 093 00277311 0500000US06093 06093 Siskiyou 06 16261933244 179149815 POLYGON ((-123.71845 41.59796, -123.71880 41.5... Siskiyou 45.73 0.00 14.21 30.16 9.90

Now we will use matplotlib and geopandas to map of one column in the output table counties_q23: Strongly Agree, or the percent of those who strongly agree with the question.

In [33]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,10)) 
counties_q23.plot(column='Strongly Agree', 
                  missing_kwds= dict(color = "lightgrey"),
ax.set_title("Percent of Californians who strongly agree that a single-payer health care system,\n such as Medicare-for-all in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government\n plan, would improve the nations ability to respond to disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19.")

That map reveals some potentially interesting regional differences that could be worth investigating further. They may also be an artifact of few survey responses in those particular counties.

Making Reusable code

Finally, we can leverage our code to create functions so that we can map any question response by county.

For those of you who work with geographic data, you will see that I added a named argument map_crs to the function with a default value for California. This allows one to set the map project of the output map to create a more custom look.

In [34]:
def make_county_map(gdf, column_name_str, title="no_title", map_crs='epsg:3310'):
    Create a map by county of any column in a geodataframe
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,10)) 
                  missing_kwds= dict(color = "lightgrey"),
    # Remove axis clutter

Test our function with the geodataframe and column we just used.

In [35]:
make_county_map(counties_q23,'Strongly Agree', 'Respondants who strongly agree with a Single-Payer System')

Now let's create a function to create the geodataframe so we can make a map for any question-response pair.

In [36]:
def make_county_gdf(column_name_str):
    tempdf = pd.crosstab(
                df.w1, aggfunc = sum, dropna=True,

    tempdf =  round(tempdf * 100, 2) # convert to percents and round
    county_gdf = counties.merge(tempdf, left_on="NAME", right_on="q2", how="left")
    return county_gdf

Let's map the percent of folks who responded that mask usage is very effective for preventing COVID-19.

In [37]:
# Search for questions that mention masks
[(key, val) for key, val in meta_dict.items() if 'mask' in val.lower()]
  'Q19_3 In your opinion, how effective are the following for preventing a person from getting COVID-19: Wearing a mask'),
  'Q19 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: My employer provides the personal protective equipment (PPE) that I need to do my job safely. For example, masks, gloves, etc.')]

q19_1_3 looks good. Let's take a look at the response values for that question.

In [38]:
{'1': 'Extremely effective',
 '2': 'Somewhat effective',
 '3': 'Not effective at all',
 '4': 'Not sure'}

Let's map that!

In [39]:
my_gdf = make_county_gdf('q19_1_3')
In [40]:
make_county_map(my_gdf,'Extremely effective', 'Respondents who believe Masks to be Effective against COVID-19')

That worked! Yeh.

Now let's flip that so we can see the geographic distribution of responses where masks are thought to be not effective.

In [41]:
my_gdf = make_county_gdf('q19_1_3')
make_county_map(my_gdf,'Not effective at all', 'Respondents who believe Masks are NOT effective against COVID-19')

Next Steps

There are many ways in which we could expand on this tutorial. For example, these topics come to mind:

  • downloading and working with the data in CSV format so as not to require proprietary software
  • creating interactive maps of the survey data
  • creating publication ready plots and tables

Keep your eye on the D-Lab blog page as we plan to cover that first topic in a future post. Sign up for a D-Lab workshop this semester if you want to learn about the other topics which have more general applicabilty.

Parting thoughts

The Berkeley IGS Polls are a tremendous source of data about California public opinion and Python has great libraries for exploring these data. If you are interested in staying abreast of the Berkeley IGS Poll reports, sign up for the IGS mailing list. If you want to work with the data itself, keep your eyes on the D-Lab California Polls web page.

If you are looking to develop your data science skills, check out the D-Lab web site. Better yet, join our newsletter as well and stay abreast of our upcoming workshops as we get ready for the Fall 2020 semester.